Community Quotes

“This program continues to provide a very high quality of service …on several levels of programming ranging from young adult specific substance abuse outpatient services, adult MATRIX services, to intensive outpatient services for higher risk chemical offenders.”

Director, Vanderburgh County Drug and Alcohol Deferral Service

Treatment Models at CFC

Treatment programs at Counseling For Change utilize the Matrix Model. Developed by the Matrix Institute in Los Angeles, California, in 1984, this program has been recognized as one of the few evidence-based programs for substance abuse disorders. It is listed on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices. This prestigious listing was based on the cumulative data from evaluations over the past twenty-five years.

The mission of this program is to improve the lives of individuals and families affected by alcohol and other drug use through treatment, education and training, and research by promoting a greater understanding of addictions disorders. In order to achieve these goals, it is imperative to improve the quality and availability of treatment services.

The Matrix Intensive Outpatient (IOP) program for the treatment of substance abuse is a structured treatment experience designed to give substance abusers the knowledge, structure, and support to allow them to achieve abstinence from drugs and alcohol. This program assists the client in the initiation of a long term program of recovery.

Research has shown the Matrix Model to be an effective, protocol-driven outpatient treatment. Collected data through the past thirty years has shown that participants in these programs attend more clinical sessions, remain in treatment longer, have longer periods of abstinence, and provide more drug free samples than those who are treated using other protocols or who have no treatment.